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Thursday, October 7, 2021

Sex & Sours by Dani McLean

Rating: WARTY!

"Tiffany, the feisty, bisexual head bartender, isn’t about to simply bow down to her new boss, Sam. But to save the bar, they have no choice but to work together. As their clashing ignites sparks, could mixing business with pleasure be the recipe for romance?" I don't see that bisexuality is anything more than a gimmick in this novel. And there's nothing new here. This antiquated shtick of having two people clash and fall in love has been done way too many times. And doenslt anyoen have anyhtign to say abot the inappropriate relationhip between superior and inferior: boss vs. employee which seems to be a staple of these bullshit non-romance tales? It's non-romance becuase it never is romance; it's always all about sex - it says it right there in the title. Yawn.