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Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Best Laid Plans by Cameron Lund

Rating: WARTY!

"High school senior Keely wants to lose her virginity before she goes to college - so she sets her sights on the new guy in town. But her childhood best friend, Andrew, complicates things." Of course he does and this is the most important thing on Keely's mind? I guess that's not much of a mind, especially when she has apprently never realize that this childhood best friend is a guy she can trust. Keely is evidently a moron. The most disturbing thing about this though, is that none other than the School Library Journal claims this trash is "An enjoyable, quick read." I find it seriously problematical that yet another dumb-ass novel about a young a girl giving away what's consistently, but ridiculously, presented as her most treasuired asset, is getting published and supported. Barf. Authors like this should be ashamed.