Saturday, October 16, 2021

The Pretty Ones by Robin Mahle

Rating: WARTY!

"In this gripping crime thriller, a twisted serial killer" As opposed to a perfectly normal, well-balanced serial killer? Barf. This should be up for some dumb-ass of the year award for book blurbs. "...whose victims have only one thing in common — their beauty — stalks the streets of Los Angeles." Yeah - because we desperately need another novel about how beauty is by far the most important thing that any woman can lay claim to. "As the body count rises, can FBI special agent Kate Reid and the LAPD crack the case before more lives are taken?" Not if the body-count is rising. This book blurb writer is definitely way up there in the dumb-ass stakes. Will they catch the killer? LOL! Is that a serious question or yet another dumb-ass one? Another dumb-ass blurb from a leading dumb-ass writer of dumb-ass book blurbs.