Thursday, October 7, 2021

When the Red Wolf Runs by Kody Boye

Rating: WARTY!

Kody Boye sounds like a supiciously made-up author name doesn't it?! "There hasn’t been a wolf spotted around where Oaklynn lives" Oaklynn? Really? "...for decades - but after she unexpectedly sees one outside, she meets her new neighbor, Jackson. And Jackson and his father are carrying an earth-shattering secret…" What that's he's fucking werewolf? Barf. How is that remotely Earth-shattering? And 'Jackson' really? That's no better than 'Jack' - the most boring name in fiction. "First in an absorbing paranormal series!" Of course it is, because why do the work of coming up with original standalones when you can keep retreading the same tired story over and over? How tedious. How unimaginative. How uninventive. Yawn.