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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Death by French Roast by Alex Erickson

Rating: WARTY!

If the title doesn't nauseate you, the blurb will. "To solve a decades-old murder discovered while cleaning out an old house, bookstore and café owner Krissy must separate local gossip from the truth with the help of her writing group." Ri-ight, because no one is better at solving murders than a bookstore/cafe owner. Fuck the cops: they're useless as all these writers so regularly attest. Crime professionals will only get in the way and evidence must be withheld from them. "A cozy mystery that will keep you guessing!" The only thing it keeps me guessing is how much more of this shit will be unloaded on the public before readers tire of it and my guessing is that it ain't happening any time soon.