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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Kiss of Fire by Rebecca Ethington / Deep Blue Secret by Christie Anderson

Rating: WARTY!

Kiss of Fire by Rebecca Ethington

This is apparently written for middle-graders. "Joclyn" Joclyn? Seriously? "...just sent her high school bully flying through the air! Could her phenomenal power have something to do with the strange new scar on her neck? Her handsome best friend, Ryland, holds all the secrets" Ryland? Really? And of course he holds the secrets, because it's another idiot YA story where the rules are that authoritative guy always controls the girl, who is utterly useless (except for violently repelling bullies evidently), until of course the handsome, mysterious, manly man winds up her mechanism and sets her in motion. Barf and Barf again.


Deep Blue Secret by Christie Anderson

"Everything in Sadie’s simple life changes when a mysterious boy saves her from drowning… and then continues to appear in unlikely places. Who is he" He's a fucking stalker, that's who! You see the pattern here? YA story - exactly the same plot: naïve girl, who is paradoxically supposed to be very powerful, but is actually useless without a mysterious stalker guy to give her value. Barf.