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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Seeking the Sheriff by Calle J Brookes

Rating: WARTY!

You know there's a seriously good case to be made for bringing back being put into the stocks for stupid book blurb writers. This one is about as unoriginal as you can get: "When struggling rancher Phoebe meets local sheriff Joel, they’re on opposite ends of the law. But with chemistry that’s off the charts...." What chart? Who maintains this chart? How is it constructed, and what determines when a chemistry goes off it? And if every single one of these stories has the chemistry off the charts, then doesn't this strongly suggest that the fucking chart is useless? This moronic book blurb writer, who's probably a failed author, needs to get a clue. But I can promise you they won't because they cannot help themselves. It's an inescapable addiction to bad, clichéd, and trope writing, you see.