Monday, November 1, 2021

Sweet Beginnings by Nicole Ellis

Rating: WARTY!

"When Dahlia" Dahlia? Really? How florid! "...returns to her late aunt’s seaside estate, she’s surprised to discover a run-down house and a struggling bookshop." Why surprised? She hadn't ever visited her old aunt, yet she's rewarded for that neglect by this bequest? Sounds fair. "With the help of handsome neighbor Garrett," Ri-ight, because every woman's endgame is a handsome and perfect guy.... "Book one in a series!" A series of what, exactly? Of Dahlia constantly having property willed to her from one death after another, going there, finding it run down and attached to a bookshop, or a cup-cake bakery, or a knitting shop, and meeting a handsome man? Barf. Sorry, but that story had already been done to death long before this unimaginative author cloned it for her own purposes.