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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Order of Time by Scott P Southall

Rating: WARTY!

It seems like I just non-reviewed this same book, but this is evidently a clone of the other one because it's essentially the same plot. "In this rollicking adventure," That right there is enough to warn you off this one. "11-year-old twins Anastasia and Edward embark on a high-stakes mission to ancient Egypt!" Because as you know, the Egyptians are utterly useless and need American kids to save them. How abusive an idea is that? What an appalling insult to a foreign power. This author couldn't have written about Egyptian kids on a high stakes mission? No, because who gives a shit about those "shithole countries" unless there's a white American savior involved? really? No wonder we're detested by half the world and barely tolerated by the other half.