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Monday, November 1, 2021

The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melinda Salisbury

Rating: WARTY!

Here's a 'no' right from the title. I refuse to have anything to do with novel that from the very title on down makes its main character and appendage of someone else, so Salisbury has a lto at stake.... "Twylla’s special gift" Twylla? Really? That's the best you got? "...makes her both valuable and dangerous — she can kill with a single touch. Isolated in the castle and waiting to be married to a prince, she meets a guard who doesn’t seem afraid of her power" of course she doe sbecause no matter what her power is, it;s inevitbalr the case that any woman in a YA novel absolutely requires a guy to save and vlaidate her. She;s utterly useless on ehr own. YA writers have this established in the constitution now. Woe betide anyone who disobeys their law. Barf.