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Monday, November 8, 2021

The Trouble with Hating You by Sajni Patel

Rating: WARTY!

That title right there tells you all you need to knwo about what a pile of garbarge this story is. If you had any doubts even after that, the book blurb should kill it very effectively, but even ebfore that we get the usual meaningless trash: "Farah Heron promises: 'You’ll be rooting for these two from their first meeting!' " Who the fuck is Farah Heron?! I've never even remotely heard of her so why the hell should I give a flyign shit about what she thinks?! Here's the story - so-called: "Liya Thakkar is happy with the single life even if her parents aren’t. When Jay Shah, their latest matchmaking candidate, arrives for dinner, she makes a quick getaway - only to bump into him again at the office." There is quite literally not a single thing new here. This exact story - with a name change here and there - has been told over and endlessly over again. Yawn. Worse though, is this feamle author's apparent absolute conviction that every woman is utterly useless unless she has a guy to validate her. You're not a real woman, says she, unless some guy is willing to rescue you from being single. Yeah. Right. Barf.