Showing posts with label AM Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AM Johnson. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Love Always, Wild by AM Johnson

Rating: WARTY!

AM Johnson? Really? This novel's description blithely informs us that "Wilder never forgot his college love, Jax, the man who disappeared from his life nearly a decade ago. Now a successful author, Wilder has turned his heartbreak into a literary masterpiece. But he never expected Jax to read his book and seek him out" That's funny because every single reader (of book or blurb) fully-expected exactly that. So why is Wilder (Wilder, really?) so stupid. And Jax? Honestly? This is exactly what I'd expect from an author who publishes under the name 'Johnson'. I'm looking forward to the next effort by PM Johnson. Not sure about reading PMS Johnson.