Showing posts with label Ariele Sieling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ariele Sieling. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Cinderella Assassin by Allie Burton / Midnight Wings by Ariele Sieling

Rating: WARTY!

"An absorbing Cinderella retelling!" Because if there's one thing this world desperately needs right now it's yet another retelling of Cinderella - like Disney hasn't already run that trope into the ground. "To break her best friend out of the palace prison, Elle makes a deal with her fairy godmother: She’ll get all the magic she needs if she assassinates the prince. But what happens when Elle falls for her handsome target?" Then she's in breach of contract. Next question? Why the fuck doesn't the lazy-ass fairy godnmother assassinate the prince if that's the real goal here?


Midnight Wingsby Ariele Sieling

Ariele Sieling? Really? That's the most bullshit made-up name ever. It's asinine. I flat refuse to read this book based on that ludicrous author name alone! But there's more! "This thrilling sci-fi retelling of Cinderella kicks off a fantastical new series!" Of course it does because why the fuck not keep retreading the same tired story instead of doing the grunt work of creating something new, inventive, and original? "El dreams of piloting fighter jets for the intergalactic fleet," You know jets don't work in space, right, "Ariele"? becuase oif you dontl, you ahve no business writign a space opera. "...but in reality, she’s stuck doing grunt work. When the queen launches a competition to identify new pilots," And the queen is doing this instead of the military why? "El must face her callous stepmother to stand a chance" Why? This is really, not so much a stretch as an overly taut rubber band that's going to snap back on the author's face.