Showing posts with label Brad Taylor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brad Taylor. Show all posts

Sunday, October 10, 2021

American Traitor By Brad Taylor

Rating: WARTY!

"American Traitor" Because who cares about anyone else?! "Pike Logan" Seriously? It's the fish guy again? " interrupted when they learn their friend is on the run — and his attackers are linked to a dangerous plot that could launch a global conflict." of course it coudl because it's worth nothing unless it has global impact and it's tamed by an American hero. Yawn. And then we wonder where the right wing nationalists and supremacists get their ideas.

Monday, July 5, 2021

One Rough Man by Brad Taylor

Rating: WARTY!

"Elite operative Pike Logan must prevent terrorists from claiming an impossibly powerful superweapon." What's that, his dick? I do not read novels about 'elite operatives' 'navy Seals' "Seal team 6' (which doesn't actually exist), 'Special Forces' or any other such appellation because they are all the same: unimaginative, unnecessarily hard-ass books featuring leading males with hard-ass over-used names like 'Jack Stone' and so on. They contribute nothing to my entertainment or education, or amusement. I especially don't read books with main characters named after a fish.