Showing posts with label Brenda Ponnay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brenda Ponnay. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Who's Coming for Dinner, Little Hoo? by Brenda Ponnay

Title: Who's Coming for Dinner, Little Hoo?
Author: Brenda Ponnay (no website found)
Publisher: Xist Publishing
Rating: WORTHY!

Today's December 23rd! It's time for a double W!

Here's a little charmer for very young 'uns. It's one of at least two books about Little Hoo. You may think they don't give a hoot, but wise-cracking aside, this one will likely become an owl-time favorite. It's done in fall colors, prettily illustrated with sufficient detail for young eyes without crowding and confusion. Little Hoo is having a dinner party, and is naturally anxious that all friends show up safely.

No worries! They do, and everyone brings a little something to turn a meal into a feast. I'm sure that clean-up with the feather duster beforehand is very much appreciated. I'm not gong to spoil it by revealing exactly who comes, but I don't want to pussy-foot around either, so let me assure you that they do step up. To whit: they bear gifts, or they show up with something squirreled away about their person, and those gifts aren't turkeys, either.

Normally I like children's books to be educational, and this one kinda squeezes in because education isn't just about math and science. It's also important to know how to behave socially, and how to reward an invitation by bringing a gift. I liked this book.