Showing posts with label Debbie Cassidy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debbie Cassidy. Show all posts

Monday, July 5, 2021

Marked by Sin by Debbie Cassidy

Rating: WARTY!

I recommend a hard rejection of any novel that has the title in the form 'marked by ____'. "Assassin Malina is one job away from finally reaching her goals. But when she discovers that the ancient mythological beings who rule over London have used her, she must save her world from an encroaching evil. First in a riveting paranormal suspense series." Of course it is! I cna even see the rivets. But I'll pass. The plot is stupid and the picture on the book cover of a dancing waif even more so. Whoever drew that needs a psych eval. Or a job illustrating sexist comic books. That's 'sexist', not 'sexy'. Most comic book illustrators can't tell the difference.