Showing posts with label Emma Chase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emma Chase. Show all posts

Monday, October 11, 2021

The Royal We by Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan / Royally Screwed by Emma Chase

Rating: WARTY!

The Royal We by Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan

"When she arrives at Oxford, American undergraduate Bex Porter finds herself falling for the dreamboat who lives across the hall. But Nick Lyons has more on his plate than simply passing his classes — he’s next in line for the British throne!" Ri-ight! Because that's how it works! And there's no way in hell she'd recognize the next in line to the British throne because Bex is a moron! Bex, really? Is she heiress to the floor sweeper empire? And hell no you can't tell a story abroad without having at least one "American" in it. That's treasonous! And who would read it anyway? Barf. One more in a tediously long line of cookie-cutter, "Hey I gotst me a prince!" uninventive shallow bullshit fiction.

Exclusive: The sequel is called "The Royal Wee-Wee" as the now happily-married couple late potty-train their baby....


Royally Screwed by Emma Chase

"Prince Nicholas is used to getting what he wants — but when he’s in need of a wife, can this arrogant royal capture the heart of independent Olivia?"

How are these tow any different? The price's name is even the same. Geeze how unimaginative these authros are. Yawn.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Getting Schooled by Emma Chase

Rating: WARTY!

"When cocky coach Garrett’s teenage sweetheart starts subbing at his school, he offers to show her around" Barf! No. Just no.