Showing posts with label Essie Lang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essie Lang. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Death on the Page by Essie Lang

Rating: WARTY!

"When a true crime writer visits Shelby Cox’s bookstore for a series of signings, she’s over the moon!" What a cow! "But after the author is found dead days later, can Shelby page through potential suspects and solve the case?" Why? Are there no police to work this case? Are they so utterly imcompetent that a bookstore owner with zero exerience, meddling where she ought not to be, and doubtlessly finding clues that she keeps from the police, thereby illegally interfering with a murder investigation, can solve it first? "...before the investigation is shelved for good?" Murder investigations are never shelved, numbnits. They remain open until they're solved. A murder mystery author really ought to know that....