Showing posts with label Fiona Gibson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fiona Gibson. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Dog Share by Fiona Gibson

Rating: WARTY!

"When empty nester Suzy" That's how your main charcter is viewed? In a negative light like that? Who wants to read about a character the book blurb writer evidently hates or at least disrepsects? Anyway, "when Suzy befriends a terrier named Scout on the Scottish island she calls home, her life takes a turn for the better. But can Scout lead her to newfound romance?" No. The dog will lead her to a life of misery and suicidal impulses as the rabid dog slaughters everyone on the island. Yes of course she's going to find romance. What kind of a dumb-ass question is that - and what does it say about what an author and/or publisher think of their readers that they persistently ask brain-dead questions like that? And why do most all of these stupid descriptions start with 'when'??! Plus, how the fuck does a stray dog end up on an island and why isn't Suzy trying to find the actual owner instead of romance?