Showing posts with label Jessie Crockett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessie Crockett. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Murder in an English Village by Jessica Estavao, aka Jessie Crockett, aka Jessica Ellicott

Rating: WARTY!

Jessica Ellicott is actually quite a charming name - it seems like it ought to be borne by a character in a novel such as this rather than the author. That's because it's a fictional name. The author's actual name is Jessica Estavao, who also writes are Jessie Crockett. To me that's just plain dishonest, but I know a lot of authors do it in hopes of boosting sales. The book blurb is also a fail. "When murder rocks their sleepy English village, adventurous American Beryl and sophisticated Brit Edwina combine their talents as sleuths." Because heaven forbid we should have a novel without an American in it. It's just not done, Old Boy! This is writing at its most uninventive and formulaic. I'd question if the author has even been to Britain (New England doesn't count), and anything with the word 'sleuth' anywhere on it is anathema to me. Barf.