Showing posts with label Joanne Wadsworth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joanne Wadsworth. Show all posts

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Princesses of Myth Box Set by Joanne Wadsworth

Rating: WARTY!

Another special snowflake story: "When Faith Stryker turns 18, she learns a shocking truth: She's the lost princess of another world!" Faith Stryker? Really? But here's my question: why does this other and different world consider eighteen in the same way our world does? How different can it be if it's really just the same; if it still has princesses who inherit a leadership role not through any effort they made or qualities they possess, but purely because of who they were born to? And she's the princess of an entire planet? No. Hard pass on this dull and unimaginative horseshit which I promise you comes without a box.