Showing posts with label P Anastasia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label P Anastasia. Show all posts

Friday, October 8, 2021

Fire Starter by P Anastasia

Rating: WARTY!

Isn't that Stephen King's title? "Alice’s normal teenage life is upended when a dying alien race chooses her to preserve their bioluminescent DNA." Evidently the author doesn't get that bioluminescence requires two things: luciferin (or something similer) and an enzyme which triggers the bioluminescence using the luciferin, typically called luciferase. It makes zero sense to talk of bioluminescent DNA. What would be the point? "As she struggles to keep her secret hidden, she must contend with unexpected romance" Ri-ight, because she's quite literally the only one on planet Earth who did notexpect there to be a romance. barf.