Showing posts with label Priscilla Oliveras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Priscilla Oliveras. Show all posts

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Anchored Hearts by Priscilla Oliveras

Rating: WARTY!

That title, right there, should be plenty to warn a reader off this one. "AnamarĂ­a's world is turned upside down when Alejandro, her first love who broke her heart, returns home to Key West, Florida - and her attraction to him proves inescapable. Because god forbid she should have moved on. It's better for her to be enslaved by this guy. You know I'm right. Priscilla Oliveras clearly understands that women want to be owned, to be toys, to be property, to be playthings, to be objects which are paused and on hold except when the alpha male is around.