Showing posts with label RJ Scott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RJ Scott. Show all posts

Monday, November 1, 2021

Boy Banned by RJ Scott

Rating: WARTY!

"When they both fail to qualify for Sing UK, Corey and Angel are given a chance to perform together in a boy band. But is it worth sacrificing who they are in order to achieve their dreams?" This author writes like there isn't a thriving community of performers self-releasing songs and putting up videos all over the Internet, where people get noticed, get acclaim, get contracts, get wealthy. What a maroon! Yawn.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Changing Lines by RJ Scott, VL Locey

Rating: WARTY!

It took two to come up with this work of genius! "When hockey wunderkind Tennant Rowe meets his new coach, he knows he's in trouble. Jared Madsen is nine years older than Tennant, impossibly attractive, and - worst of all - his brother's off-limits best friend. Is their chemistry worth the risk?" What risk? Dumbass authors need to get over this brother's best friend is off-limits horseshit. That's not a thing. It sure as hell isn't rule. No, the problem here is that Jared is an authority figure in a positon of power over Tennant and that's the problem these idiots are missing. Barf. And Tennant Rowe, really? What is he - a rental?

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Winter Cowboy by RJ Scott

Rating: WARTY!

What exactly is winter cowbioy? Do they round up snowflakes? Corral icicles? Go on snowdrift drives? This tells us that "Micah and Daniel loved each other - until a devastating tragedy tore them apart. But when they both return to Whisper Ridge, they gain a chance to heal old wounds..." Two guys on a mountain? Can you say Brokeback Ridge redux? How original.