Showing posts with label Rebekah Crane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rebekah Crane. Show all posts

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Only the Pretty Lies by Rebekah Crane

Rating: WARTY!

"High school senior Amoris" Stop right there. Amoris? Really? WTF?! "...when her old crush, Jamison, moves in next door, Amoris is forced to confront the community’s dark side…" This is "a YA novel with love and substance." Sorry but that's a contradiction in terms. YA novels are almost universally insubstantial shit conflating infatuation with love, and there's every reason to believe a novel with a female character named Amoris is going to be exactly the same as all the other dumb-ass cookie-cutter clone YA novels that have gone before it into blessed oblivion. Yawn.