Showing posts with label Shawn Goodman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shawn Goodman. Show all posts

Saturday, June 5, 2021

This Way Home by Wes Moore with Shawn Goodman

Rating: WARTY!

What is that - when you're 'with' another author? Is that a cute way of saying it's ghost-written? If that's not it, then what exactly does it mean? I think it means author 'A' didn't do shit.

The blurb begins: "If you were moved by The Hate U Give...." I was - I was moved to avoid a novel with a title like that, like the plague. I never read it; I never saw the movie, so I doubt I will be "sure to be swept up by this," especially if Kirkus reviews reports that it's a "taut, haunting tragedy”.

KR coulldn't distinguish a taut, haunting tragedy from a taunting haughty travesty if it came out of its ass sideways, and even if they could, they'd still rate both of them highly because they never don't. If all your reviews are positive and gushing, then your voice is worthless.

I make it a point to avoid novels that are compared to other novels, especially if the comparison is in the form of "X" meets "Y" where X and Y are two novels that your novel is being likened to - as a mashup, otherwise known as a rip-off. I would be equally repelled if an author were listed as the new "Z" where Z is an established author. It's insulting to authors. This is a deifnitelt no.