Showing posts with label Sherryl Woods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sherryl Woods. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Sweet Magnolias Feels Like Family by Sherryl Woods

Rating: WARTY!

Anything with the word 'magnolia' in the title is a definite no. This one is just stupid: "At 42, career woman Helen is finally ready to start a family" Finally ready? The very fact that she's put her career first tells me she's half-hearted about a family at best, and she apparently doesn't even have a partner! Not that she needs one by any means, but the fact that she's left it so late and has nothing in the way of a plan really mitigates against the assertion that she's a successful business woman. The two facets of her life would seem incompatible. And it's a real question mark against her commitment to this. The odds are against any woman trying to start a family in her forties: less than fifty percent. This tells me Helen is an idiot who didn't think this through. It doesn't mean she can't get pregnant by any means; very many women do, but having read this blurb, I have no interest in following this woman's story at all. She's not someone I feel compelled to care about.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Hot Property Sherryl Woods

Rating: WARTY!

"Molly DeWitt is looking for a fresh start... Too bad trouble seems to be looking for her! When a wealthy man is found with a knife in his back - Molly's knife - she'll have to race against detective Michael O'Hara to prove her innocence." No, that's not how it works! The prosecutor must prove guilt. Why Molly is racing around like she has something to hide, or worse, to cover up, is the real mystery here, and nobody cares anyway, because it's one more in a tedious line of cookie-cutter, utterly invariant, non-mysteries.