Showing posts with label Tricia D Wagner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tricia D Wagner. Show all posts

Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Star of Atlantis by Tricia D Wagner

Rating: WARTY!

"When his former best friend discovers a mysterious pirate treasure, 14-year-old Swift puts his professional goals on hold to chase his oldest, most precious dream — sailing the Welsh seas" What Welsh seas? LOL! While, on the one hand, I'm tempted to say 'kudos to an author for optioning Wales over the stock Ireland or Scotland choice, there is no Welsh sea! It's actually the Irish sea. And what professional goals? The kid is fourteen years old! So this is yet another novel from yet another US author who probably has never been to Wales, and now we have a new series about Atlantis, which is a non-existent place, and sure as hell was never anywhere near Wales, not even in fiction. Yawn.