Showing posts with label Vanessa Carnevale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanessa Carnevale. Show all posts

Thursday, October 14, 2021

My Life for Yours by Vanessa Carnevale

Rating: WARTY!

"Paige is devastated when she suffers a miscarriage due to a rare and life-threatening heart condition. And when she becomes pregnant again, she and her husband face a painful choice." No! The painful choice was whether or not to get pregnant again, not to roll the dice on her life, and risk losing everything. They could have hired a surrogate. They could have adopted, but it seems to me that her husband is a dickhead who doesn't deserve a child if he values his own wife's life so cheaply. You can seee where this novel is going - right out the door. It's either going to be a sickly ending where the mom dies at childbirth, or it's going to be a sickly ending where the mom doesn't die, insulting a lot of women who wish to, but can't, give birth.