Showing posts with label Walter Simonsen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walter Simonsen. Show all posts

Friday, August 14, 2015

Ragnarok Volume 1 by Walter Simonsen

Rating: WARTY!

This is yet another graphic novel advance review copy which fails to sport even a semblance of a cover, much less any information about the creators. I found that rather insulting to the creators! I assume that will be corrected in the final release, but why there were not place holders for the cover and so on is a mystery.

So the story begins right on the first page. It's steeped in Norse mythology, of course. The story here being that of Brynja, an elf assassin who seeks to kill Thor for reasons which were not exactly clear to me, but when she fails, she asks his aid in protecting her daughter Drifa, which the skeletal Thor grants.

As Thor, now free of his chains, starts to pick up the threads of his long past life, he discovers that all the other gods are dead - fallen at the hands of their enemies. As the Hulk would say, "Puny Gods". The world has changed dramatically, and seems to be in the hands of extremely violent mutant dictators.

That's how the story went right up through the half-way point which is as far as I could stand to read, because it really wasn't a story; it was merely a litany of violent encounters which Thor had with the mutants, and which he inevitably, predictably, won by slamming them violently in the face with his hammer. I grew tired of this in short order.

I cannot recommend this unless you're seriously into slide shows of blood splatter patterns.