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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Boy and the Very Lonely Pony by Junia Wonders

Title: Boy and the Very Lonely Pony
Author: Junia Wonders
Publisher: Gmür Verlag (no website found)
Rating: WORTHY!

Illustrated by Divin Meir (no website found)

This is an odd and quirky story about a lonely boy, but nonetheless enjoyable for that. By the way, before I get started, the text in particular, but also the illustrations are a wee bit small to appreciate on a smart phone (although it is do-able), so I'd recommend the print version or reading this on a pad or tablet.

The boy is largely confined to the house, and therefore enjoys gazing out of the window for the beauty of the world outside and for anything else of interest which he sees out there. This is how he first encounters the pony, which to him looks quite sad.

When the boy is getting ready for bed, he notices that the pony is looking back at him, and each seems to recognize that something is missing in the other. Seeing the white pony glowing in the stark Moonlight, the boy feels compelled to go visit.

At least the boy can go outside. The pony can't go anywhere. Not until the boy rides it and they escape the confining boredom of the pasture and take a night-time tour of the local district. As the sun comes up they return home as friends and fellow travelers.

I liked this book for its simplicity and the gorgeously colored images. I recommend it.