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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Just For Boys by Matt Crossick

Title: Just For Boys: A Book About Growing Up
Author: Matt Crossick (no website found)
Publisher: Parragon
Rating: WORTHY!

Illustrated by Rob Davis

This I felt is a great book to start boys out on the trip through puberty. It's not sufficient by itself. You need a parent or guardian (or at the very least a trusted family friend or competent teacher if all else fails!) to follow up and be there, of course, but this is far better than nothing. I assume there is a similar volume aimed at girls, although I haven't read any such thing, and cannot comment on it.

It takes boys step-by-step through everything they might be experiencing or feeling as they travel along this inevitable pathway to adulthood, covering everything from internal feelings, to erections, body hair, body odor, body changes, awareness of females, and so on. Nothing is left out!

Nothing can substitute for understanding and educated guidance from a parental-type figure, of course, but if that's not forthcoming or if it's lacking or difficult for whatever reasons, this will at least start the education, and that's why I rate it a worthy read.