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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Boy and the Travelling Cheese by Junia Wonders

Rating: WORTHY!

Another odd and wonderful tale from the same story-teller who created Boy and the very Lonely Pony, and The Roll-Away Pumpkin, both of which I reviewed positively. This one is about a boy who wants to grow to man-sized proportions so he can have an adventure like grown-ups do. In order to aid this quest to grow big, Boy’s grandfather sends him a huge wheel of cheese that he made himself. The problem is, since everyone wants a taste of this magnificent cheese, will Boy even get to taste it himself, much less eat enough to grown big enough for an adventure? The answer to that question is the real joy of this story.

I read this on my phone and the text was large enough to be read without eyestrain except for one or two pages where it was superimposed over the stone wall of a house or over an orange sky, which made it pretty much illegible! The images refused to swipe larger, too, which was irritating. That said, though, the book was fun and inventive and stimulating, with fun illustrations by Divin Meir, and this is what’s important when it comes to stories for kids. I recommend this one.