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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Tovi the Penguin Goes to London by Janina Rossiter

Rating: WORTHY!

Another in a series, the first of which (at least the first one I read!) I reviewed here. I wasn't that impressed with Tovi going camping. I was more impressed with this one.

It's raining in Tovi's neighborhood, so in order to get away from it, they decide to go to London. What? I admit that the weather has typically been nice whenever I've visited London, no fog or rain to speak of, but England isn't exactly known for being arid, so I'm not sure this was a charmed plan, quite frankly! But hey, it's penguins. Maybe penguin logic is rather different from ours.

I love the illustrations in this volume. The penguins are far too cute for their own good. Guess what? When they get to London, it's raining! But they press on anyway, as penguins are wont to do in situations like this. They visit the London Eye, and Tower Bridge (and yes, they get the name right - it's often mistakenly called London Bridge, but it's named after the Tower of London which sits next door. London Bridge is actually in Arizona as it happens....

They visit Big Ben tower, but they evidently don't actually see Big Ben, which is the bell ensconced within the tower. They only see the tower itself which is typically misnamed 'Big Ben'. They manage to visit the place and then take "the tube" to Heathrow where they have a quick cuppa before heading home where the sun is shining. Great trip! I recommend this one.