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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Eville USA by Julia Dweck

Rating: WORTHY!

Frightfully well-illustrated with absolutely monstrous colors by Fian Arroyo, this important book is a much-needed and long-overdue exposé of where villains, monsters, and other all around-bad guys vacation when they're not tearing up the pea patch, patching up the tears, or p- well never mind that. It's an important book.

Villains of all shades and hues are depicted here for your review. The story couldn't be much neater, told in nicely rhyming meter, and now as you will clearly see, that's all the poetry you'll get from me!

Some parents might deem this a bit much for their wee bairns, but there's nothing too outrageous, and most kids six and over will likely enjoy this look at the secret life of monsters. I think it's a fun story. This is the second Julia Dweck which I've reviewed favorably, so she's definitely a worthy read - and it's not just because I adore that name!