Sunday, July 26, 2020

Welcome to the Party by Gabrielle Union, Ashley Evans

Rating: WARTY!

Yes, it's that Gabrielle Union and while I do not dislike her and I do feel bad for what she evidently went through on the America's Got Talent set (a show I do not watch), you would think an experience involving racism like that would sensitize her to exclusionary practices, yet here we have a book that ain't cheap (almost twenty dollars a pop) about welcoming a new child into the world, which could be taken to suggest that white folk don't welcome children of color, since there's not a white person to be found between these covers.

That's just as racist as whatever it was she experienced on AGT. You can't on the one hand complain about racism in Hollywood and then practice it in a book you're responsible for.

You know what's good for the goose is worth taking a gander, and to complain about racist behavior on the one hand and indulge in it with the other isn't something I can support. Union didn't do the drawings; they were done by Evans, an artist of color, so to speak, so the drawings are on her, but I can't believe that Union didn't take a gander at what Evans was drawing; she had to approve these. I don't approve this.