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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Cutthroat Cupcakes by Cate Lawley

Rating: WARTY!

I recently read and enjoyed Vegan Vamp by this author, although I would not want to read a series about it. Unfortunately, this book blurb makes this story seem thoroughly dumb. "When a cursed cupcake is used to kill, candy shop owner Lina is accused of being a witch and deemed the prime suspect. Now she’ll have to face her magical prowess and ensure the real killer gets their just desserts" Yeah. The witch cursed the cakes! And the warlock who works the case is a distraction! And this is the start of a series called the 'Cursed Candy Mysteries' - seriously? What, she's going to accidentally curse something in every volume which ends up with someone dying and there's a series? Because god forbid we should ever have anymore stand-alone novels. What a nightmare that would be. Barf.