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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Château of Happily Ever Afters by Jaimie Admans

Rating: WARTY!

"When her elderly neighbor, Eulalie, passes away," Eulalie, really? She named after a musical instrument or something? "Wendy is shocked to learn she’s inherited Eulalie’s French château." I'll bet. "But there’s a catch" No, really? "She has to share the castle with Eulalie’s irritating nephew, Julian!" Of course she must because it's the dumbest idea ever, so why not? Rather than turn it down, she lets herself be forced into compliance. Another tamed and obedient female character created by another unimaginative female author whose cookie-cutter writing copies every other novel where the MC falls for an irritating guy. "Can the unlikely housemates overcome their differences?" Oh for fuck's sake. Seriously? Why not just title the novel dumpster fire and be doen with it? "A laugh-out-loud read." I doubt it.