Thursday, October 7, 2021

Bondage Buddies by Golden Angel

Rating: WARTY!

Let’s not even get into the author's 'name' or whther it really ought to be Golden Rains (hey, how about Golden Reins? It totally works!). "After meeting in a BDSM class," A BDSM class? Where you get beaten for truancy?! "...single mom Domi can’t turn down Master Mitch’s proposal for a friends-with-benefits arrangement - but as their passion flares higher with each scene, Mitch craves more from Domi than just her submission." Wait, the submissive is named Domi? So why isn't the guy named Nate? Domi-Nate - get it? Barf. You know I have this theory that there are no serious BDSM writers - only pranksters and BDSM-haters who want to bring this whole field of sexual exploration into disrepute and that's why they write all these dumb-ass stories.