Friday, October 1, 2021

Divine Descendants: The Complete Series by Alicia Rades

Rating: WARTY!

After half-reading the execrably bad "Fire in Frost" by this author, and resenting the time I wasted on it, I was not suprrised by how mind-numbingly bad this plot is. "...angel Cora is attending the school of her dreams: a secret academy for supernatural beings. But in order to amplify her magic, she needs to combine forces with a demon - and she can't deny the power (and attraction) she feels when she's with Kellan" Seriously? This tired, retreaded, and threadbare plot is the best you got? Angel meets bad boy? Barf. And why, exactly, do these supernatural creatures have to attend school? This is the most ridiculous thing: it's essentially your retreaded tired high-school story, but with supernatural creatures, who behave exactly like human kids. Fuck. This. Tired. Shit.