Monday, October 4, 2021

Perfect by Elizabeth SaFleur

Rating: WARTY!

"When Isabella finds herself face-to-face with Mark, her late husband’s brother, they’re caught up in a passionate whirlwind of dominance and submission." Wait, so her husband is running late and she jumps into bed with his bro? LOL! No, seriously I actually get it now! So when the man is faced with the friend's sister, then that's out of order but when the woman is faced with the man's brother, then that's perfectly okay? Sexist much? And let's not worry about this overbearing asshole taking advantage of his grieving sister-in-law. Fair game, right? Barf. You know there's frequent talk about what pornography does to how women are viewed and treated and what video games contribute to violence, but has anyone ever studied what untrammeled exposure to this shit does to people? Just asking....