Monday, October 11, 2021

Solitude by Dean M Cole

Rating: WARTY!

"From an author of 'vibrant prose' according to Multi-Platitude's Failing Kirkus! The quote was from a review for another novel, not this one, so it's misleading at best, but that's a book blurb for you. Here's the dumb plot: "Army Captain Vaughn Singleton is the last man on Earth - and when he discovers that another human, Commander Angela Brown, is barely surviving at the International Space Station, he’ll begin a race against time to make it to space and back before it’s too late." Yep. That's how desperate he is to have sex one last time. God bless him, every sperm! It's right there in the name: Singleton. They don't call it Space XXX for nothing!

So - another story about the rugged and chivalrous St George saving the maiden from the dragon. Way to go. How are those cookie cutters holding up? Still sharp? Good to know. We can expect more of the same then can we? That's just great. The author appears not to know that the ISS has a return capsule on standby at all times in case of emergencies, so the crew can escape, and those capsules can land on the ground - they do not have to 'splash down." What would be really funny is if Singleton goes up there to "rescue" the poor incompetent maiden, and she escapes and comes down to Earth, and they keep doing this throughout the novel due to poor communications....