Saturday, October 9, 2021

Watch Me by Stacey Kennedy/Watch Her by Edwin Hill

Rating: WARTY! you watch me, or do you watch her? I dunno! She's probably more interesting than I am, let's face it. In "Watch Me" by Stacey Kennedy, we learn that "At the exclusive sex club Phoenix, members can only watch what happens on stage, not touch. But club owner Rhys Harrington will break his own rules to have innocent Zoey Parker for himself..."  Yeah, because she has no say in the matter. If he wants her, she has to be his - like she's a sex doll, not a person. her inncoence jsut makes her a sweeter posssession, right?  This story is disgusting and the author should be ashamed of herself for aiding and abetting the turning of women into male possessions.

OR Watch Her by Edwin Hill

Like I said, she's likely to be more interesting no matter what she's doing, since I just sit around writing and drawing all day, but I'll sure watch anything except this since it's a novel that the Kirkus clan claims is "masterly." Really? Did that word get there by accident?