Monday, November 8, 2021

Mrs Hudson and the Spirits’ Curse by Martin Davies

Rating: WARTY!

"An irresistible spin on the world of Sherlock Holmes!" No, it really isn't. Look, here am I resisting it. "With a sinister force stalking London merchants, Mrs Hudson sets out to solve the mystery - and proves she might be Baker Street’s most talented detective." Seriously? Another tired, unoriginal rip-off? At least it isn't Sherlock's niece so I guess it has that going for it, but that bar is so low that it really doesnlt say much. Mrs Hudson did literally nothing in any of the Holmes stories except in one where she moved a bust of Sherlock around to foil a sniper. She was mistakenly referred to as Mrs Turner in one Holmes story due to a writing mistake by Doyle, but she never exhibted a single isntance of any sort of crime-solving ability or even interest in any such thing. This story is quite obviously an ill-begotten dud. I'd have a lot more respect for writers if they came up with something original instead of ripping-off and repurposing all the frigging time.