Showing posts with label David Michaels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Michaels. Show all posts

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Duty and Honor by Grant Blackwood aka David Michaels

Rating: WARTY!

So the novel is purportedly by Grant Blackwood, yet the name taking up fully half the cover in bright red lettering is 'Tom Clancy', and Grant Blackwood is really David Michaels? WTF?! Can you say 'misrepresentation'? "Forced out of his intelligence organization, Jack Ryan Jr has only himself to rely on as he goes after a philanthropist with a murderous, world-threatening secret." Does anyone really care? I sure as fuck don't.

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon by David Michaels /Clive Cussler's The Devil's Sea by Dirk Cussler

Rating: WARTY!

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon by David Michaels

How exactly is it even remotely Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon if it's by David Michaels? "In this New York Times bestseller," that for some reason they need to unload at the knock-down price of two bucks, "an elite and deadly US Special Forces team must thwart a dangerous international plot" because all the other nations are utterly useless. Doesn't 'special forces' mean elite? I mean, isn't it implicit in the name? So what exactly is an elite special forces unit? "...and prevent a catastrophic global war" as opposed to the non-harmful global wars that of course no-one is worried about. Barf. "A high-octane adventure with nearly 1,000 five-star Goodreads ratings!" and still it's being flogged for two bucks. Go figure! Another dumb-ass book blurb.


Clive Cussler's The Devil's Sea by Dirk Cussler

"Dirk Pitt" Seriously? Worst name ever for an aciton hero! " back - and this time he’s in the Philippine Sea, attempting to stop a deadly missile and rescue an ancient Buddhist artifact" Because only an American can save the world. Harf. Just as an aside, Dirk "the" Pitts graduated from the USAF Academy and was a pilot in the Vietnam War. Supposing he was 22 in 1970, when the war was starting to undeniably look like a seriously lost cause because colonialism does not work. This novel was published in 2021. So Dirk Pitt has to be at the very least, some seventy years old at this point. Yeah. Just saying. At least James Bond had the decency to reboot! LOL! But here's the real issue: how is this remotely Clive Cussler's when he died some two years ago? Instead of coming up with something new, his son is riding his father's coattails and trying to suck every last cent from an aging character he had no hand on creating.