Showing posts with label David Pedreira. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Pedreira. Show all posts

Monday, September 20, 2021

Gunpowder Moon by David Pedreira

Rating: WARTY!

"While working a lucrative mining operation on the moon, Caden Dechert is swept into a dangerous conspiracy that could have catastrophic consequences." Of course he is - because regular consequences can never be enough. Why are dudes working there instead of robots? Oh, I know, because this is one of those common sci-fi novels in which metallic plague has wiped out all robots, so humans have to fill their jobs. This book cover shows a space helmet lying on the Moon's surface with a bullet hole in it. Either the author or the cover artist apparently doesn't get that there's no air on the moon therefore gunpowder will not burn, therefore bullets will not fly unless you have some sort of a compressed air system to fire it. He'll figure it out. Yawn.