Showing posts with label Hanna C Howard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hanna C Howard. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2021

Ignite the Sun by Hanna C Howard

Rating: WARTY!

"An evil witch queen..." Evil. Withc. Queen. Seriously? "...has shrouded her kingdom in shadow" Why? And how is this causing problems, just out of curiosity? Not that this plot hasn't been done to death. "...but 16-year-old Siria is determined to restore the light. With the help of a motley group of rebels," That's where I'm looking for the exit, right there. Motley? Quirky? Count me out. And Siria? Siriasly? What's her BFF's name? Alexia? Besides, the sun was ignited some four or five buillion years ago wasn't it?! Siria's a bit late to the party.