Showing posts with label Jennifer Dawson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennifer Dawson. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Cold Hearted Bastard by Jennifer Dawson

Rating: WARTY!

"Arrogant Jackson and feisty Gwen are both used to getting what they want" sounds like a pair of spoiled kids ot me. "...and when these two forces of nature" hardly. "...collide, their explosive sexual tension erupts into a sexy battle of wills!" Oh look - an antagonistic couple eventually fall in lust. How original! I never heard that plot before - except for the thousand times I have. And one of them is called Jackson. Yawn. Jackson means son of Jack: the most tiresomely over-used name in literary history. This tells me that this author doesn't have an original writing bone in her body.