Showing posts with label Jo Thomas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jo Thomas. Show all posts

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Chasing the Italian Dream by Jo Thomas

Rating: WARTY!

"While visiting her grandparents in Italy, lawyer Lucia discovers her grandfather is retiring from the family’s pizzeria. And when she learns her ex, Giacomo, might be taking over, she’s faced with a major decision!" No she really isn't. What's her decision - whether or not to fall in love with the hot Italian? Yeah right! This dipshit lawyer already declared her intentions when she spent years becoming a lawyer instead of helping to run her grandparents' pizzeria. Now we're suddenly expected to swallow that she has a change of heart? Ri-ight! Yawn. You know the italian guy is really going to turn out to be a sweetheart, who only wants to honor her grandparents' business, so we know exactly how this story is going to unfold. What's the point of wasting good money on it when there are other, more imaginative, less predictable, and non-cloned stories out there to enjoy?