Showing posts with label Nikki Moyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nikki Moyes. Show all posts

Saturday, September 18, 2021

If I Wake by Nikki Moyes

Rating: WARTY!

Any novel with a title of this nature is an automatic no. "An emotional read for fans of Gayle Forman" who I've never even heard of so why would I care?! "Lucy’s best friend is Will - a boy she only encounters in her dreams. But when school bullies drive Lucy to attempt suicide and she falls into a coma, can the boy she’s never truly met become her saving grace?" Why not? Because every girl is so utterly useless that she needs a guy to save her, right? This is why I will not even countenance reading novels with bullshit pretentious titles like this one has before I even get close to the even more dumbass plot. My question is, why doesn't lard-ass Will come to her aid before she tries to kill herself?